
» » Cebas Thinking Particles 4.0 SP3 for 3ds Max 2010/2011/2012 (x32/x64)

Cebas Thinking Particles 4.0 SP3 for 3ds Max 2010/2011/2012 (x32/x64)

Автор: BoguMir Дата: 9-07-2011, 14:24 Прочитано: 8

Cebas Thinking Particles 4.0 SP3 for 3ds Max 2010/2011/2012 (x32/x64)

Thinking Particles - революционная система частиц для 3ds Max, которая не имеет для себя равных на нынешний день. Создавайте зрелищные эффекты просто и просто с прогрессивной технологией 3D-частиц в 3Ds Max! Благодаря использованию нелинейной анимации (Non Linear Animation - NLA) система частиц открывает новые горизонты в анимации для 3Ds Max. Для управления частичками можно употреблять операторы и условия, то есть выстраивать логическую диаграмму событий. Благодаря этому, при помощи плагина можно создать фактически любой эффект с частичками. Реальная мощь ThinkingParticles исходит от использования неограниченных композиции критерий и операторов, чтобы найти поведение каждой отдельной частички в системе. Подобно C ++, который открывает неограниченный мир для разрабов программного обеспечения, ThinkingParticles предлагает ту же огромную мощь для пользователей 3ds Max.

thinkingParticles™ 4.0 is the next generation rule based particle system for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design, offering unparalleled power to the user. thinkingParticles in its latest incarnation, Release 4, (R4) redefines Fluid, Rigid Body and Particle F/X simulation in a whole new way.
The advantage thinkingParticles delivers over event-based particle systems, (which works on triggers and time dependent events) made it the #1 choice of Unchartered Territory for creating Fluid, Rigid Body Dynamics and Particle Effects for their movie production of "2012." thinkingParticles was the key production tool responsible for driving the most prominent special effects in the movie "2012". Our latest additions to the software made it so powerful, it actually rendered the need for practical effects to zero!! We trust, that you will find, by using thinkingParticles 4.0, that you will be able to create all the incredible effects that you have always wanted to create, but until now, have not been able to, due to the limitation of existing technologies.

Sam Khorshid a professional Digital Artist, who worked at Uncharted Territory in the making of Roland Emerich's latest movie, "2012" says:
Due to the sheer number of dynamic, interacting systems, we needed a procedural solution. This show was too complex for each artist to work on a shot level. Thinking particles R4 was the right fit for this task. The basis for our destruction pipeline was TP4's integrated dynamics (shape collision) and rule based workflow, coupled with finalRender's fantastic instancing ability. volumeBreaker too, was specifically developed for "2012" along with a new robust joint system, layered caching with retiming functionality and new mesh handling tools for ingesting complex buildings into particle systems. What these new innovations enabled, was the creation of a world that dynamicly interacts with all of its elements: buildings reacting to earth upheavel, cars reacting to falling debris, everything interconnected.

The real power of thinkingParticles comes from its unlimited combination of conditions and operators that define the behavior of each single particle, in a particle system. As a programming language offers all the freedom and power to a programmer, so thinkingParticles offers the same unlimited power to the 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design artist.

Свойство программы:
Название программы и Версия: Cebas Thinking Particles 4.0 SP3 for 3ds Max 2010/2011/2012 (x32/x64)
Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2011
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Англиский
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер файла: 13.48mb

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